Haven Nook is a very special place. Pupils, along with parents and carers, talk positively about the difference this school has made to their lives. For most pupils, this is their last chance to experience success at school. Typically, pupils have spent long periods of time out of education, and most are very anxious about school. Pupils are well supported when they first join. The school’s nurturing, caring and welcoming ethos helps them to settle in quickly. Staff work hard to develop highly positive working relationships with pupils. Consequently, pupils feel understood. Pupils develop positive friendships and actively help and encourage each other. Bullying is not a worry for pupils here. Staff tackle any problems and quickly resolve them.
Haven Nook Ofsted Report 2023
Haven Nook Ofsted Report 2023

Amanda Thompson
Thrive Approach Lead & Trainer
A big well done to Amanda Thompson, our dedicated Thrive Lead and Trainer at Haven Nook! Amanda has been instrumental in leading our school towards achieving the Thrive Ambassador School with Excellence in Relationships award. Her hard work, dedication, and passion for supporting the well-being of our students and staff have been truly inspirational.
We are incredibly fortunate to have Amanda on our team, and we cannot thank her enough for all she has done to make Haven Nook the thriving community it is today. This award is a testament to Amanda’s exceptional work, and we are so proud of everything she has achieved.